Happy Valentine's Day to you!
You won't be seeing any cute pics of my sweetie with a cute Valentine shirt on or any cute Valentine crafts because we are sick. We have been laying and sleeping on the couch all day. Stomach bug. It got us both. My poor sweet baby girl was a wreck today, and did I mention how incredibly difficult it is to take care of a seriously sick child while you are sick yourself. Oh boy!
We are just starting to feel a little better, and I feel bad that I didn't get to make Valentine's Day special for my hubby. I hope he knows I will make it up to him!
At least we were healthy this past weekend to celebrate with an Elmo sweetheart party.
Kay was ready to go! We got to our play date, and there were a lot of kids and a lot of fun to be had. We met up with Addie and her mommy and daddy.
Okay, now we are ready to go. The girls played and had a great time. Look at these cuties.
Kay kept crawling up the slides with no interest of sliding down. She is funny. We even met Elmo... actually it was an imposter ... where is the orange nose? Kay wanted NOTHING to do it. Nothing at all.
Poor thing hated every second of it. But it was such a cute little party for kids. Thanks Ang for telling us about it. I am so happy we did something special before we got hit with this bug.
I hope you all had a wonderful day full of love and happiness! xoxo
14 hours ago
Awe so sorry you guys have the bug. I hope ya'll get to feeling better soon. Kay is so cute. And Kendall would be screaming if we got her that close to a costume! She is scared too death of them, but I am hoping she will be OK when we take her to Elmo Live!!