Sunday, June 5, 2011

Family Fun on the Farm

Yesterday was one of those days you think about when you are anticipating summer. You can't wait for beautiful weather and to get outdoors. You can't wait to eat fresh locally grown food and grill out on the deck. We did all of these things today, and it was a great day.

We were planning on heading to Johnson's Farm after morning nap. Well, morning nap lasted about 30 minutes, and we decided to just head over early to make sure we were home for afternoon nap because we missed nap last weekend... and .... it .... was .... not .... pretty.

We arrived at Johnson's Farm just as the sun was coming out.

And just as the sun was coming out, I realized I didn't put any sunscreen on my little lady. Good job, mom. So I spent most of the morning worrying about keeping the baby in the shade. Once, we got on the hayride it was all good. Away we went to pick our fresh berries!

The cherry trees were so full of red, ripe cherries. The highlight of the day was when we first got off of the hayride, and a little girl runs over to the cherry tree and climbs it. Too funny! Her family yelled at her, and she was like, "But the good ones are at the top!" She did have a point. I imagined that will be my wild child one day. Climbing the fruit trees. *sigh*

After we filled our cherry quota, we went over to pick our strawberries. Baby Kailyn loved being outside. As we were on our hayride, she loved the wind blowing her hair.

We had such a great day on the farm. We came home with so much delicious fruit! I was so excited!

I decided to make a homemade, fresh cherry pie. It was pretty easy since my friend Angela had just posted this recipe. The cherry pie was so good! Daddy and I almost ate the whole thing in a day.

What a great day spent with my family. It makes me so excited for summer to spend many more days like this. Here's to another fabulous weekend!

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