Tuesday, April 12, 2011

But Where Is That Darn Tooth?

86 and sunny. Yup. Too bad I spent the day in my roasting classroom where the air conditioner wasn't working. Quick brainstorm... I would have rather been...

Walking with Kay and Lexi
Playing with Kay
Staring at her beautiful, happy smile
Taking her picture in the sunlight
Shopping outside at outlets
Starting to get my garden prepped for spring flowers
Sitting on my couch watching food network
Getting a massage and a pedicure
Getting a root canal

Daddy is still away, and it was me and the baby tonight again. We had a quick dinner at Grammy's before we came home, and then things turned hairy. This poor little sweetheart was wailing in the car ride...screaming bloody murder. Her little nose is running, she is soaking through clothes and bibs with drool, and the topper ... her little tushy is RED. It looks so sore and painful, and all of these symptoms came on today. It could only mean one thing...
A tooth is on the horizon!

But where is that darn tooth? I can't see it and I can't feel it. She is chomping on the cool teethers like they are going out of style. I know it is coming, it seems a tiny bit rough on her gum. I feel so bad that she is in pain, and I hope the infant tylenol helps her rest. With all the pain and the heat, she is still one happy, sweet little girl.

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